December 2
Bold 5060 (EU) - $1110 down
Bold 5060 - $980 down
Bold 4050 (EU) - $1135 down
Bold 6070 (EU) - $1290 down
Bold 7080 (EU) - $1355 down
TJ GJ 5060 - $965 down
TJ GJ 8090 - $905 down
Bold 4050 - $1000 down
Java GJ 5060 - $1170 down
Java GJ 8090 - $1050 down
Bold 5060 - $980 down

Peanut Blog

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Published on 12/02/2024 in Peanut Post

The peanut industry is diverse, with unique dynamics on both the supply and demand sides. It’s essential to understand the type of peanut you’re sourcing—better to be informed before going nuts.In this edition, we share a glimpse of our expertise in peanut varieties, emphasising why sourcing from seasoned experts ensures premium raw materials to grow your brand.

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