Reaping the quality we sow
Our statistical quality system draws on Six Sigma methodologies to understand the root causes of defects. So we can implant reliable controls.
Agrofoods global company
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Reducing grading variation
By avoiding nubs and mono shells in our grading system and processing based on five grade counts rather than ten, we improve the quality of our products
Maintaining consistent aflatoxin results
We draw on statistical controls to prevent aflatoxin growth, with combined subsampling and analytical variability estimates that iron out testing variations.
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We set quality minimums to ensure that our peanut products are consistently well-balanced.
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With ‘The Sift’, we’ve established the gold standard of peanut grading. This homegrown tool allows us to determine multiple peanut sizes within each grade and improve the quality of our processing.
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We adapt the grading of our peanut supply to the needs of your products. Giving you freedom of choice, and making sure that every single peanut we procure finds the perfect home.