
Reaping the quality we sow

Our statistical quality system draws on Six Sigma methodologies to understand the root causes of defects. So we can implant reliable controls.

Reaping the quality we sow

Agrofoods global company

Behind our quality process: addressing variation

Reducing grading variation

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Reducing grading variation

A poorly graded mix of small and large kernels adversely affects your products. During manufacturing, larger nuts may stay raw whilst others burn and develop a bitter taste. Equally, faster protein degradation in smaller kernels can spoil the shelf life of a mixed batch.

By avoiding nubs and mono shells in our grading system and processing based on five grade counts rather than ten, we improve the quality of our products

we sow, you reap

Maintaining consistent aflatoxin results

It’s easy for aflatoxin levels to change between different tests and ports – but what causes this inconsistency?

We draw on statistical controls to prevent aflatoxin growth, with combined subsampling and analytical variability estimates that iron out testing variations.

Maintaining consistent aflatoxin results

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Fine-tuning our control limits

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Fine-tuning our control limits

Whilst most peanut specifications include maximum limits for various quality measures, minimums are typically ignored. But these can have a big impact, for example leading to excessively dry peanuts with skin damage defects.

We set quality minimums to ensure that our peanut products are consistently well-balanced.



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With ‘The Sift’, we’ve established the gold standard of peanut grading. This homegrown tool allows us to determine multiple peanut sizes within each grade and improve the quality of our processing.

grading system

grading system

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We adapt the grading of our peanut supply to the needs of your products. Giving you freedom of choice, and making sure that every single peanut we procure finds the perfect home.

The data behind our nuts

At Agrocrops, technology, data and process management work together. Not only does that give us unprecedented control over our quality, but we can also predict the outcome of each batch.
  • Sensor technology and predictive maintenance 
    Sensor technology and predictive maintenance 
  • Our ‘Balanced Scorecard’ system
    Our ‘Balanced Scorecard’ system
  • Automation technologies
    Automation technologies
  • Crop footprints
    Crop footprints
  • Real-time quality intelligence
    Real-time quality intelligence
Sensor technology and predictive maintenance 
Sensor technology and predictive maintenance 
Sensor technology and predictive maintenance 
Sensor technology and predictive maintenance 
Sensor technology and predictive maintenance Sensors and IoT devices allow us to maintain hazard controls without the need for human intervention. Our technology monitors the performance of every system, allowing for predictive maintenance and protecting the quality of our production.
Our ‘Balanced Scorecard’ system
Our ‘Balanced Scorecard’ system
Our ‘Balanced Scorecard’ system
Our ‘Balanced Scorecard’ system
Designed by Harvard University, our ‘Balanced Scorecard’ approach captures information as peanuts move from field to packet. By bringing this data together we can analyse yield and waste, and keep control of quality.
Automation technologies
Automation technologies
Automation technologies
Automation technologies
We integrate technology such as infrared, motion control, and dynamic weighing systems to better monitor our production processes. We also use spectrometry to inspect our roasting and blanching processes, removing the food safety risks of human inspections.
Crop footprints
Crop footprints
Crop footprints
Crop footprints
Satellite imagery, field surveys and historical data help us predict the future yield and quality of our supplies.
Real-time quality intelligence
Real-time quality intelligence
Real-time quality intelligence
Real-time quality intelligence
It’s easy to track the history of our products. Just scan the QR code included on the packaging to see the origins and quality of our raw materials.
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