

An ounce of information

Discover the Power of Premium Peanuts for Irresistible Peanut Products

Article by Pnut King

Discover the Power of Premium Peanuts for Irresistible Peanut Products

Published on 06/14/2023 in Peanut News

We all expect the food we eat to be safe, hygienic, and free from bacteria. Foodborne illnesses cost $17.6 billion a year in the US alone, so when a bad seed gets in 
amongst the rest, it can really shake your confidence. 

The global prevalence of peanut allergies has increased awareness of food safety as a whole, and snack producers are being more cautious than ever. 
One manufacturer in the state of Georgia learnt this the hard way in 2009 when salmonella was found in a large batch of its peanut butter. It is the kind of experience that lives long in the memory of snack-makers. 

As with any other food manufacturing process, strict food safety guidelines apply to the peanut trade, and these have to be taken into account at every stage of production, 
shipping, and distribution. 

At Agrocrops we use X-ray sorting to detect hidden internal mould and decay, detox sorting using biometric scanners, and technology that guarantees 0% foreign material in 
our products. That way we can protect our customers and consumers from food safety risks. 

Find out more about food safety in peanut production in this research paper. 
And see how we protect the quality and safety of our peanuts here: -> [LINK TO ‘PEANUT TECH’ PAGE]

Pnut King
Pnut King

With over 17 years of experience in the peanut industry and numerous awards recognising his contributions, he founded Agrocrops in 2008, a leading global peanut company. His passion for peanuts drives his commitment to improving the industry for all stakeholders and promoting sustainability.

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