
Get to know Agrocrops

Levelling up the peanut field

Our passion for peanuts drives us above everything else. We’ve built a business that moves with purposeful efficiency, connecting the dots globally and pushing the industry into the future.

Our history

The peanut as we know it was a happy accident of nature.

When bees cross-pollinated two wild species a hybrid was born, and with it the cultivated peanut plants we’ve come to love.

Agrocrops have taken up their mantle. Bringing together producers and manufacturers all over the world and building a stronger peanut ecology.

So in more senses than one, we have the bees to thank.

Saravanan Lokasundaram

Saravanan Lokasundaram


Our joined-up business model

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Our integrated business model

We’re all about integration. Bringing the peanut industry’s value chain closer together and building a more sustainable model. Every part of the peanut plant has economic value, and by bridging gaps in the ecosystem we add to our efficiency and competitive advantage.

We handle peanuts from 87% of the world’s production sites, working in 12 locations which between them support 75% of world peanut consumption. Thanks to our globalised approach and our single-produce focus, we truly are experts in our field.

Top 10 Exports

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Top 10 Imports

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Supply and demand

We balance both sides of the peanut equation: securing reliable sales destinations for producers, and sourcing the best varieties for manufacturers’ needs. With careful market tracking and crop management, we can optimise the peanut supply chain.

Supply and demand

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<p><strong>International trade</strong></p>

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International trade

As a global business, we connect the dots between market players all over the world. Driving sustainable consumption and optimising our products creates greater efficiencies and a smarter business.

  • Cheapest protein



  • Water efficient (Top among the nut category)



  • #1 in sustainable soil fertility (Nitrogen fixing)



News and Updates

Keep up to date with our latest initiatives.

We give back to society

We don’t work in a vacuum, and we’re conscious of how we can contribute to the communities around us.

  • We provide financial aid to employment candidates who live below the poverty line or are underprivileged.
  • We deliver free food to orphanages every week.
  • Under the Grow Right Programme, 8% of profits from our peanut oil brand go towards bettering peanut farmers’ livelihoods.
  • We provide emergency medical assistance to those in need.
  • We contribute financial aid to community projects.
We believe in karma: in giving back, we can share our success with others.
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