The global peanut market is grappling with a high influx of peanuts despite starting the season with poor carryover stocks. Is this situation adversely affecting demand, or are other factors at play?

Global Peanut Market

Reports confirm a bountiful 110% crop in Gujarat, with generally good.

Peanut Innovation

Peanut liqueur is typically crafted by infusing peanuts or peanut flavour


Peanut crop residues are the leaves, stalks vines, and remaining pods left

Good Agri Practices

Groundnut can stored either shelled or in unshelled form stores better

Market Wizard

Drawing from our market expertise, we've pinpointed two key factors that currently exert a significant influence on the prevailing market conditions.

Micro Factors

China & India, the two significant growers (52% of the global production) of peanuts. have caused a dramatic surplus in the global demand for peanuts. A substantial quantity of 25 MMT has been harvested this year by India and China. When we consider the two country's international peanut trade across its various forms, which amounts to only 0.09 MMT per month, we are left with a staggering 2.08 MMT, ie. 96% of the production capacity left to domestic consumption from these two regions.

Do you now understand why there is a peanut surplus inundating the market with limited demand? However, when it comes to local consumption, assuming that India consumes 80% of its harvest and China consumes 100% of its production. the average monthly consumption rate should ideally reach 196 MMT, which sharply contrasts with an average 2.08 MMT of monthly supply, as per the most recent harvest data.

Given the surplus of 0.17 MMT every month, it appears that we can expect several more months of uninterrupted supply. with the market remaining comfortably in the oversupply zone in comparison to the demand, It may lake a while before we witness a noticeable elasticity tightening.

Macro Factors

Let's admit that credit is scarce and. therefore, costly. The robust US "dollar" has set off a wave of economic indicators, and economies are straining their limits. The level of economic risk in the present situation is notably more severe and concerning than during COVID-19. So, how does this impact the peanut industry? It exacerbates the divide between the affluent and the less privileged. which is one of the fundamental economic dysfunctional features one needs to avoid leaving the populous demand affected.Whether it is the micro or macro factors, a peanut is a peanut - a pocketful of delight for ravenous hearts and bellies. So, whether it's now or peanut o'clock, the craving never fades. Do you have the patience for this simplistic yet complex nut that is so global yet local? Godspeed peanuts.

The Importance of Phosphrus in Human Nutrition and the Role of Peanuts as a Dietary Source

Phosphorus is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in various biological processes in the human body. It is also found in peanuts.Peanuts are a good source of phosphorus, and they provide about 12% of the daily recommended intake of phosphorus in a 1-ounce (28-gram) serving. Phosphorus is important for bone and teeth health, energy metabolism, and various cellular functions. Including peanuts in your diet can contribute to your phosphorus intake.

Global Peanut Market


Reports confirm a bountiful 100% crop in Gujarat, with generally good harvest conditions, though some areas, particularly in North Gujarat, are experiencing seed maturation. In regions like Saurashtra, Kutch, and Himmatnagar, around 70% of the crop is still awaiting market entry. In contrast, North Gujarat has completed nearly 50% of arrivals.


In Rajasthan, the harvesting process has been completed in only a few areas, as most are still ongoing amid intermittent rainfall. Rajasthan is projected to yield around 1.6 MMT of peanuts, and there is an expected influx of arrivals, with pressure building up from the first week of November. Other regions in the North and Northwest, such as Madhya Pradesh (MP), are also experiencing substantial peanut harvests (0.9 MMT) this season.


In the southern region, Karnataka has sown only around 30% of its crop due to the lack of rainfall and power supply issues. Telangana has managed to complete 50% of its sowing despite poor rains. In Andhra Pradesh, certain areas are experiencing a demand for bowing seeds from Gujarat. Tamil Nadu’s crops are completed, most shelters are now procuring seeds from Gujarat. Orissa is planning to sow seeds from the states of Rajasthan and Gujarat, sowing to begin mid-November.

The harvest reason has just kicked off, and states like Texas, major peanut producers, are grappling with issues such as crop yields, exports, and quality. A lack of rain towards the season's end has taken a toll. Crop yields are anticipated to range from 3 to 3.05 million tons, falling short of USDA forecasts. Shellers are holding back on bids, awaiting more precise crop projections. Encouragingly, domestic consumption is rising, with substantial quantities being shipped to near by industries.The situation in the EU regarding peanut supplies is dire, and shipments are at risk of a significant decline. Additionally, the scarcity of peanuts in Argentina further compounds the issue. In October, shipments to China, Japan, Canada, and Europe saw reductions. The cost to deliver raw peanuts to Rotterdam is estimated at around $1900, while blanched peanuts are priced at approximately $2250.

Farmers face challenges in securing a stable supply over the long term, and there's a strong demand for Argentinean cargoes. Short- term contracts dominate bookings, and supply limitations are significantly impacting the sector. While many awaited rain, some farmers have started planting new crops. A decrease of 7-10% in cropping is expected, with land lease rates remaining steady. Reducing Argentina's farming area could result in a 10% production cut in 2022 Prices to Rotterdam stand at $2000-2200, with peanut oil shipments halting after two years of higher kernel pricing.

Farmers in Sao Paulo, Brazil, are cautiously starting planting while many await the arrival of rain to begin harvesting. However, if rains are delayed by another month, it could lead to a is 15% reduction in the cropping area, affecting approximately 50% of the already harvested crop. Brazil is a significant potential supplier of peanuts to non-EU regions, but a delay in the harvest from March to April could impact demand during those months.

China's substantial peanut crop has prompted Brazil to lower its oil shipment prices. As the 2023 harvest begins, the $50 price difference between peanut oil and peanut shipments puts pressure on shellers and crushers. Raw peanut shipments increased by 5%, while peanut oil shipments decreased by 25% year-over-year.China is leading the global bearishness of peanut prices, having successfully harvested 18 million tons with excellent quality. Smaller kernels are scarce, and larger ones are sold at a discount. Chinese prices have dropped by nearly 22% since the beginning of this harvest. Local oil companies show signs of reduced procurement for oil and crushing grade. Despite limited Sudanese stock, there is ZERO interest in buying from India A further 10% price decline is expected in November. Chinese exports may increase due to competitive pricing.


Old crop supply is currently priced at $1100-$1150. While most exporters have initiated offers, a definitive market price has yet to be determined. For December shipments, initial prices range from $1050 to $1100 CFR Qingdao.


The new crop is ready for harvest; export prices will be set by early December. Despite remaining old crop stocks with uncertain quality, limited Chinese presence in Senegal may pose export challenges this year.


As the season nears its end, shippers are left with a surplus stock of 300-1000 tons. This season has proven to be notably challenging for shippers due to quality issues, delayed shipment schedules, and left overstock.

Editor's Pick

Finding options for U.S. peanuts if chlorothalonil banned

North Carolina State University is researching alternative fungicide options for U.S. peanut farmers facing the potential loss of chlorothalonil due to international market demands and the EU ban. Led by Dr. Jordan and graduate assistant Ethan Foote, the two-year project evaluates 10 peanut varieties with five fungicide programs each, including sulfur. Last year's findings favored chlorothalonil, with rotations of sulfur and chlorothalonil also proving effective. The disease impact on peanuts planted in standing rye cover crops was lower, but a 20% yield drop was noted compared to bare ground. The study revealed that a five-spray sulfur program performed well in North Carolina but may be less effective further south. The research aims to prepare U.S. peanut farmers for potential fungicide challenges in the changing agricultural landscape of ecological and weather challenges.

Mr. Modou Fall

FNOP (National Federation of Private Operators of Senegal)

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I am the Director of the National Federation of Private Operators of Senegal.

What are the most important attributes of successful peanut producing country?

A prosperous peanut-producing country relies on factors including suitable land, quality seeds, adherence to fertilizer itineraries, sustainable practices, optimal spacing, favorable climate, a skilled workforce, competitive purchase prices, and strong government support. These elements collectively contribute to a successful and sustainable peanut industry.

Cultivar Highlights

The New Late-Harvest HO Peanut Variety for the USA, Ready for 2024 Release.

North Carolina State University Peanut Breeder leff Dunne is bringing innovation to peanut farming. Introducing NC 20 and NC 21, late-maturing peanut varieties set to extend the harvest window for farmers, giving them flexibility and improved yield. These varieties were carefully selected in 2020 and 2021, with breeder seed production in full swing.  NC 20, akin to Bailey II, offers a sizeable pod, excellent disease resistance, and a high oleic content for extended shelf life. NC 21, coming in 2025, shares these traits, making them valuable additions to the peanut farming community. What sets these varieties apart is

NC 21, coming in 2025, shares these traits, making them valuable additions

their resilience against heavy leaf spot pressure, crucial for late-season harvests. Pair NC 20 with Bailey II or NC 21 with Emery for staggered harvests. Dunne also teased experimental lines, N17045 and N17047, demonstrating drought tolerance, which may soon be commercialized as NC 23. Dunne's breeding program caters to various stakeholders, emphasizing traits like yield and disease resistance. In the world of peanuts, these qualities are essential, and the NC State program aims to meet the demands of farmers, shellers, manufacturers, and consumers to ensure the success of peanut varieties.

Source link: peanut-variety-nc-20-commercially-available-next-year-

Peanut Innovation

Exploring the Craft of Peanut Liqueur: From Production to Creative Culinary Applications

Peanut liqueur is typically crafted by infusing peanuts or peanut flavour into a neutral spirit, such as vodka or grain alcohol. The process involves roasting peanuts to extract their rich, nutty flavours, which are then integrated into the alcohol, resulting in the liqueur. Some commercial versions may use peanut extracts or flavourings as well. This liqueur boasts a distinctive and robust peanut flavour with varying degrees of sweetness, depending on the brand and recipe. It finds versatile use in cocktails, enhancing drinks with a nutty dimension and complementing ingredients like chocolate, coffee, and cream for dessert cocktails. It can also be drizzled over ice cream or sweet treats. Notable cocktails featuring peanut liqueur include the Peanut Butter Martini, a mix of peanut liqueur and chocolate liqueur, and the Peanut Butter Cup, combining peanut liqueur with coffee liqueur and cream. Different brands offer their unique recipes and flavor profiles, with popular options such as Nocello and Hiram Walker Peanut Liqueur. In sum, peanut liqueur serves as a niche choice, elevating both beverages and desserts with its nutty essence, catering to those who savor peanut-infused treats.

Current Crops

Peanut Sustainability

Sustainability In usage of Peanut Crop Resuides

Peanut crop residues are the leaves, stalks vines, and remaining pods left in the field after the harvest of peanuts. The quality varies greatly depending on the harvest method, storage, and the proportions of plant materials included in the residue. Leaf shattering occurs in peanut forage, increasing the proportion of stems and decreasing nutritional value. Fresh, dried, or ensiled peanut crop residues can be fed. Peanut crop residues can be used as a supplement or as the sole feed for livestock, depending on the livestock production system. The peanut crop produces a large amount of high-quality forage and is a significant, sometimes major, source of fodder wherever it is grown. In Africa and Asia, dual-purpose peanut varieties capable of producing significant quantities of both grain peanuts and high-quality hay are being developed and disseminated.Peanut by products provide a significant amount of feed to beef cattle raised in amount of feed to beef cattle raised in grown. Residual peanut hay is by far the most widely used peanut by-product fed to beef cattle. If properly harvested with minimal leaf shatter, it has a nutrient content comparable to high-quality grass hays. Peanut skins are frequently used in small amounts in cattle and pet foods, providing both protein and energy Peanut skins high tannin content can cause severe performance depression in beef cattle if peanut skins are included at levels greater than 10% of the diet unless diets contain relatively high CP-above 15% CP or additional N sources such as ammonia or urea are added. Peanut hulls are used as a roughage source in beef finishing diets at levels up to 20%, as bedding in dairy cattle loafing sheds, and in a variety of manufactured products. Peanut hulls are inexpensive due to their quantity, inherent high fibre content, and low CP content, but they should not be fed as primary feedstuffs to beef cattle. Peanut by-products are typically less expensive than other by-products and can be used in various supplements diets for cow herds, growing-finishing cattle, and dairy cattle. Peanut cultivation, like other legume crops, improves soil fertility through biological nitrogen fixation and can thus contribute significantly to cropping system sustainability.

...far the most widely used peanut by-product fed to beef cattle...

Good Agricultural Practices

Good agricultural practices on storage of Groundnuts.

Groundnut can stored either shelled or in unshelled form stores better in pods than as seeds. It is important to remove all damaged, discolored, rotted, immature and sprouted pods, other plant materials and soil from the produce before storage. Ground nut is best stored unshelled in cool, dry conditions, protected from rain and rodents. Under unfavorable conditions, groundnut seed loses viability quickly. Safe storage of groundnut requires atmosphere with low relative humidity of 60 to 70%. Storage facilities for groundnuts should be weather proof and free from insect and disease bearing litter. Before bagging, pods should be dusted with Actellic Super to protect them from storage pests. Bagged groundnuts whether shelled or unshelled should not be placed directly on a concrete floor due to the risk of dampness that may cause moulds to develop. Shelled ground nuts are fragile and are exposed to various agents that cause physical, chemical and biological deterioration. They rapidly lose their seed viability when stored under natural conditions. Adequate air space should provided between the surface of stored groundnuts and the floor using pallets or similar materials. Avoid storing groundnuts in buildings where temperature may become too high >30.Proper storage is important to maintain groundnut quality and prevents Aflatoxin contamination. that are produced by various fungi. Seed retain viability longer when stored in the pod than shelled. Groundnut seeds to be used for planting should be treated with fungicides to prevent damage from seed rotting and damping off fungi in the soil. The use of dried Neem leaves could also be used to control storage pests in groundnuts. Groundnut seed should not be carried over more than a year if it is to be sold as certified seed.